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Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s

Hello again:) Well..this lecture is service management, and the professor gave us group project.As you can see the uploaded picture and ppt, the professor wants us to MAKE OUR OWN FICTION SERVICE COMPANY. So, our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. Our six members assigned each of task and I’m in charge of […]

Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page’s Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Section 1Discuss how social media was used in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in terms of communicating with voters, fundraising, and campaign organizing. Discuss how databases of political information can be used to help voters make decisions on candidates and issues. Support your discussion with reliable sources. Section 2How has the Internet altered the way […]

cloud storage

Assignment #3 No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page1. Explain what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. 2.  If you had to explain to someone […]

Understanding Digital Identity Formation

InstructionsYou are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital […]

Antivirus Software

Write MS-Word documents about one of the cybersecurity tools. Pick one cybersecurity toolList down the pros and cons of this cybersecurity toolExplain how to use this cybersecurity toolThe document can be single-spaced or double-spaced.No limit on min/max word count.Your document should not exceed more than 4 pages(excluding the cover page and citation page).Use proper citation […]

Understanding Digital Identity Formation

InstructionsYou are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital […]

Gender and Sports

Should there be standards as to whether someone is a woman for purposes of competing in women’s events at the Olympics?  What constitutes an athlete as a woman? How should they differentiate who is a woman and who is not? Including transgender people. Give the arguments on both sides of the question.  Discuss  and critique […]

Research Essay

Researched MLA paper.You will primarily be discussing your own thoughts and ideas about the works. You will use secondary sources for this paper to provide necessary historical information, supporting information or scholarly opinions, etc. Your paper should be based around your scholarly analysis; The essay should not be mere summary or book reports.Topic: Discuss how […]

Science Documentary Review

There are free science documentaries that can be found on youtube or netflix, etc. Find a science documentary with at least 30 minute length or more.  Write a 2 FULL page summary of the documentary, what you learned, and how it impacts your life.

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