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Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Legislation Affecting Early Childhood Education

  As an early childhood education professional, there will be many times that you will need to refer to Websites for information and research. In Module 01 you started an Early Childhood Education Resource Guide. This guide will serve as a helpful tool to support your work in the early childhood field. In this module […]

Legislative Process Infographic

  An infographic is a way to present information quickly and clearly through the use of a visual representation. You can certainly search the Internet for examples of infographics or feel free to view these examples found on the Rasmussen College Website: For this assignment, create a 1-page infographic of the federal legislative process: How […]

1 of 2

*keep each question and reference separate     After 9/11, the position of National Director of Intelligence (NDI) was created to bring organization to the multitude of intelligence agencies.  Today there remain at least 17 intelligence agencies in US government.  Why do we still have so many? 500 words 2 references  Congress has been given oversight […]

3 week

 Analyze the models of school organizations and explain how they have helped to form your understanding and concepts of what a school is. Choose the model of school organization that has influenced your image of schools the most and explain why. Think of how you would like schools to be organized and determine your top […]

Needs Assessments

Instructions Community health assessments are used by health planners to identify, and prioritize health problems within a given community. To prioritize health programs and their development, a needs assessment is used. There are four types of needs that should be considered in a needs assessment. Although there is no single way to conduct a needs […]

Early childhood product

  a Work Product that is divided in to two parts. In Part I, you will describe the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria (Document #3) and NAEYC Engaging Diverse Families Project Program Self-Assessment Checklist (Document #4), and explain how these tools can be used in assessment, and in the case of the […]

assignment 2

  Analyzing international negotiation can provide important insights for being effective global leaders. Multi-cultural negotiating skills are increasingly necessary to effectively manage multinational network organizations. Multi-cultural skills are increasingly necessary for effectively leading domestic organizations as well. For the first paragraph of your posting, discuss how international negotiation might help international leaders acquire the knowledge […]

Response a peer

  ***** Respond in a paragraph following the established guidelines. The answer must be of a substantial nature and with quotes present in the textbook. Agree or disagree is not appropriate.  ***** Only use this book and specific pages.   Represent the quotes (author, year, and page) when reflecting the content in your paragraph. Source of […]

Discussion: How is cognitive strategy instruction used to teach academic, cognitive, or social skills?

  Discuss and explain in detail the topic presented in 3 paragraphs.  1. Correct and substantial content.   2. Correct APA rules.  3. Correct reference section and citations from the content.    Source of reference: textbook Chapter 2, pages 37-41 and only ONE professional article that relates to the concepts discussed (2015-2018).  texbook:  Bos, Candice. S. […]

Classroom Images and Play

    To begin, view the photo story below that shares some beautiful images of children around the world playing. Next, choose one of the articles below to read: Option 1:   Option 2:  (the full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library). Option 3: Child […]

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