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Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Benchmark Connecting The Community Through Technology

  When seeking a child care facility to which to entrust their children, families do extensive research to find a location that works best for them. Parents can use the handbook of a child care facility to learn about the procedures and expectations of the facility to assist them in selecting the best placement for […]

Data Collection, Instruments, And Procedures Action Research Proposal [WLO: 1, 2, 3, 4][CLO: 4, 5]

  Data Collection, Instruments, and Procedures Action Research Proposal [WLO: 1, 2, 3, 4][CLO: 4, 5] As we have discussed so far in this course, we are using a mixed-method approach for your proposed action research study so you gain experience and skills in using both approaches to collecting data. If you plan to implement […]


  For this week’s assignment, you are going to choose a children’s book that you are familiar with and have used either in your classroom or with children outside of the classroom. Then: Describe how you have incorporated this book into your classroom. Reread the book and suggest at least two different activities you can […]


For this assignment you will develop a newsletter that  relates to the lesson that you will present in your Lesson plan for Mid-term. Please read below to complete this assignment. NEWSLETTER ASSIGNMENT Directions: Imagine you have just been given a teaching job at a school with 18 students in your class.  Three students are Hispanic, […]

Georgia Source

There are numerous resource to support the teaching of the Georgia Standards of Excellence. GPB’s Crash Course for Government and Politics is one excellent resource. Please review the site and respond to the questions below. 1) Select three video that you find engaging and provide a synopsis of each video. 2) Why did you find […]

Georgia Standered

The Georgia Standards of Excellence for American Government/Civics represent the culmination of what students should know regarding these areas before graduating from high school. The attached document, Teacher Notes for the American Government/Civics Standards, are provided by the Georgia Department of Education to give guidance on the meaning of the standards. This process is known […]

Discussion 4

Read the following fictionalized scenario and post your thoughts/feelings on Kevin (are you empathetic ?) and if this is realistic and whether a college or university (not SSU) could do more to accommodate the Kevins out there. Post by Sun. 2/9 and then the following week reply to two peers by Sunday, 2/16 Kevin looks […]

7 Discussion Board Questions

   After reading Chapters 10, 15-19 and respond to the following in the discussion board. (Textbook:Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development 11th ed. Duane Brown) 1. Differentiate among the various approaches to career development assessment. 2.  Identify several types of inventories and qualitative approaches that can be used in the assessment process. 3.(SCHOOL COUNSELING […]


Continue the discussion by responding to your classmates posts, providing them with additional insights, perspectives, and critical thoughts on factors that influence student retention.   Respond 2 classmates discussion below is 2 classmates discussions and the discussion you did for this assignment speak in first person. Speak as you are talking to each classmate directly

Research PaperProposal, Draft, And Final With Cover Letter (10-15 Double Spaced Pages, APA Format):

  Forthisassignment,youarebeingaskedtoenteranacademicconversationanddevelopapositionon anissuerelatedto leadership,education,and/orjustice.Youareexpectedtowriteawell-conceived essaythattakesapositiononanissueofsomeimportance.Thismeansyoullneedtomakewell-reasonedclaimsandprovideampleevidencetosupportthem,basedonyourresearchinthiscourseand beyondit. Pleaseidentifyajournalwhereyoucouldsubmityourpaperforpublication.Besuretolookatsample articlesfromthejournalandadheretoallsubmissionguidelines.Rememberthatresearchcantake manyforms(i.e.,ananalysisofexistingdata,anarrativeinquiry thatusesstoryasresearch,aprogram review,apolicyanalysis,etc.),andyoushouldidentifyandplanyourapproachtoyourpaper accordingly. Yourfinalpaperalsoneedstoincludeacoverletterthatdoesthefollowing:1)describeshowyour paperhasevolved;2)presents detailsabouthowyouverevisedyourpaperandhighlightshowyou respondedtosuggestionsandquestionsonyourdraft;3)includes aself-assessmentandagradefor yourselfinthecourse. Finally,youshouldplantouseourclassreadingsassourcesforyourpaper,butyoucan(andshould) drawfromothersourcesaswell.Wewilldevelopthispapersinthreestages:1)theproposal(writtenin theformofanabstract);2)adraftofyourpaper;and,3)afinalrevised andeditedpaper withacoverletter. 

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