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Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Discussion 4

Review the institutional data from and your chosen institutions website. Consider your institutions strategic enrollment management plan. Discuss the internal and external challenges that your institution faces in turning prospective students into admitted students, and admitted students into graduates.     Caltech University

Assignment 2: Planned Evaluation Approach And Questions, Part 2

  Assignment 2: Planned Evaluation Approach and Questions, Part 2 Due Week 5 and worth 160 points Continue the project plan by completing Part 2. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Describe the planned approach as it applies to the object of the evaluation (selected from text, Chapters 58). Explain […]

Acceptable Use Policy (#2)

  Create an Acceptable Use of Technology Policy (AUP) for an organization Use any presentation software for your presentation (e.g. PowerPoint). You may use the Notes feature of PowerPoint if you want to include some additional talking points. Since your audience will be teachers, be sure to incorporate principles of adult learning as appropriate (TF-VII.C.1). There are […]

Reflection Astronomy

  Over the past five weeks, you have use the Stellarium planetarium software to plan an observation, examine a number of celestial objects, and test astronomical hypotheses for yourself. In a 1-2 page length paper in APA format, please reflect on the past work you have done and answer the following questions: How did the […]

Explore Your State’s Professional Development System

  You should now have a better understanding of early childhood professional development systems. Let’s use that knowledge to identify how a professional development system can assist you in your own career. For this assignment: Review your state’s professional development system (North Carolina). Identify the process and requirements for joining the professional development registry if […]

Assessment 5 – Journal Article Summary – Due In 22 Hours

THIS IS DUE IN 22 HOURS. I HAVE PROVIDED THE INSTRUCTIONS, ALONG WITH ATTACHING ALL THE INFORMATION POSTED TO HELP UNDERSTAND BETTER.  ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS   For this assessment, you will identify a published research article either in the print literature or online in the Capella University Library. Your article must be based on empirical (data-based) […]

Week 6 Discussion – The Intern Report

  Week 6 Discussion – The Intern Report After completing this week’s Readings and Resources, respond to the following questions.  As you read the Intern Report in this chapter, note the scenario in which the principal/mentor wish to conduct a whole-staff orientation/development session and plan a very tight and aggressive timetable. Also note that the […]


 Given the two theories discussed in this unit (LMX and transformational), reflect on situations in which you have seen both employed. Reflect on how you perceived both theories manifested in each specific situation   Include your own self-analysis of how you might have performed in each of the situations. The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX 7) Questionnaire on […]


  Baseline Data Collection. In week 4, candidates collected  baseline data for the social behavior identified for a minimum of one week with a minimum of five data points. The data should clearly indicate that the behavior, if left without intervention, will continue. In addition to recording data candidates will also keep a reflective journal […]

Research Report

  One implication of diverse cultures is that elements of one culture (e.g., values, attitudes, behaviors, perceptions) can create conflict with elements of another culture. Prepare a report on cultural diversity and conflict. In your report, address the following: **3-4 pages*** Evaluate the interaction of cultural diversity with conflict in international negotiations. Assess the important […]

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