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final paper

5 X 10 = 50                  PART A

Define and give the significance of five of the following, each in a substantial paragraph.

Munich Conference                Concordat

Fascism                                    Origin of Species

Dawes Plan–1924                  Treaty of Chaumont

William II                                Phony War

British-Nazi Agreement          Schlieffen Plan

Indemnity Act of 1866            Wannsee Conference

What is to be Done?                  Gustav Stressman

This will help you to prepare for Part B of the upcoming exam.

2 X 25 = 50                  PART B

Answer two of the following, each in an essay.

1.    How did the assassination of the heir to the Austrian Throne on June 28, 1914, lead to WWI a little over a month later?

2.    What contributed to the fall of Napoleon?

3.    On June 22/1941, Germany attacked Russiawhy did it prove to be

      much more of a challenge than Hitler had anticipated?

4.    Examine the reforms of the Congress of Vienna, and especially 

      how it looked to prevent the spread of revolutionary ideas.

5.    Discuss the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in showing their

      impact on Germany.

6.    In looking at the rule of Nicholas II and Alexandra, show the

      role played by Rasputin.

7.    How did Hitler gradually gain control of the Nazi Party, between   

      1919 and 1925? For example, how did his speeches draw, what

      role did the SA play in making the party visible, and how did

      his Trial, even prison, make him a national figure?

8.    How did Otto von Bismarck, as Minister-President of Prussia,      unify Germany between 1862 and 1871?

9.    Examine the genesis (initial stages or causes) of the Cold War.

10.  Why and how did Hitler turn on the SA in the Night of the Long 


11.  Examine what influenced Bismarck prior to coming to power.

12.  Examine the fall of France in May-June of 1940.






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