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The executive branch is far and away the most powerful in the federal government. (You can agree or disagree but make sure your answer addresses features of Constitutional design as they work out in practice, not just the presidents powers on p

Memos The memos are short persuasive essays (2.5-3.5 pages; 12 pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins). In your memos, you need to take a critical position on some aspect of the readings. State a clear thesis, support the thesis with clear evidence and arguments in roughly 3 paragraphs. Reserve one paragraph to consider what counter-arguments someone who disagrees with you would make and to address those potential counter- arguments and explain why you stand by your thesis (we will discuss some strategies for doing this). Have a short concluding paragraph.

Avoid flowery or needlessly complicated language and do not digress from your argument. Simple and direct is the best way to do this. You can model your memos on op-ed pieces you see in some of the best newspapers. You are welcome to make a normative argument (i.e. to say that something should be the case rather than that it is the case), but you need to support the argument appropriately. Do not simply moralize without supporting your position, and avoid impugning the personal character of those who disagree with you that goes for the memos and class discussions too.
15% (5 pts each)

These essays are short, but we will hold you to high standards. Sloppy, disorganized, or unthoughtful work will not receive high grades. Memos will not be accepted if they do not engage seriously with what we have learned about the topic in question from lecture, discussion, or the text. I will provide several prompts for each week, starting with week 2. I will post these under Assignments in blackboard. You are also free to choose your own topics as long as what you write is clearly linked to what we are studying.

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