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Philosophy/Socrates/ Something Worth Dying For

Topic to write about: Saving children/Ending human trafficking.

Format: Double-spaced, One-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, MLA Format

In this first paper you will be asked to reflect a little deeper on the person and character of Socrates, as portrayed in Plato’s dialogs, especially those referenced in the introductory sections of the book (e.g., Apology, Crito, etc.).

Throughout history certain persons have faced punishment, imprisonment, and even death rather than forsake their guiding principles. In Socrates case, he concluded that the “unexamined life was not worth living.” Others have been unwilling to:

* Renounce their religious beliefs
* Surrender their commitment to personal and political freedom
* Behave in a way that they considered to be immoral

In this essay, think about your deepest convictions and identify an issue for which you would be willing to face imprisonment or death like Socrates.
To help guide your thoughts, integrate answers to some of the following questions.

1) What is the “examined life,” and why would Socrates choose death rather than give it up?

2) Is Socrates correct in his evaluation of the “examined life”? Would you be willing to die for it? Why or why not?

3)  What is something, e.g., a cause, issue, or principle that you would be willing to die for? Explain why.

Keep in mind that although you are responding to various questions, your essay should be a unified whole with an introduction, body, conclusion, and clear thesis.

The analysis must demonstrate careful refection, original thinking, attention to detail, and application of the reasoning strategies that were discussed at the beginning of class.

No outside research is required, but it is permitted. All sources must have scholarly credentials (i.e., No websites allowed!!!). Only books from academic presses and/or scholarly journal articles may be used. Any material used in the paper must be cited appropriately (even the textbook).

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